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Saint Therese of Lisieux on 3-4-99

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2007-12-26 06:45 Saint Therese of Lisieux on 3-4-99 paerris

Saint Therese of Lisieux says, "Today as I speak, I speak as I have at
no other time, because men, women and children, of all ages, use each
day living it according to the habits they have formed, what is
important to them at the moment, most of the time ignoring totally
that each day is a Gift from The Divine, and will be accountable at a
given time."

ON MARCH 4,1999 AT 1:47 P.M.


"I am Saint Therese of Lisieux. During the period of time when so
many young women, young men, chose vocations they felt would give to
them a higher goal in life, the vocations were to serve in the
religious life.

Today as I speak, this desire is almost beyond what mankind would
call obsolete, because mankind has, in so many ways, become accustomed
to all things that are based on humanistic values, ideals, using in
many ways, materialistic values as the basis for practice in
vocations, plus practice in moral values.

The world is the same as it was thousands of years ago. By this
statement I mean the structure that holds human life, and the lives of
many other types of living matter or things. The change in human
understanding of the importance of human life has been totally classed
in what could be, and is called, a commercial form of thinking,
acting, goals.

Ask yourself, upon awakening on this day: Was my first thought to
pray, asking The Father to bless the day, or was it what I was to do
according to how I live, what I am bound to morally, physically? Was
prayer the first thing I thought of, asking The Creator to bless my

Also, did I promise to keep holy the day, because of the
Commandments that were given to remind mankind of all ages, cultures,
creeds, that each day there would be times when the Commandments
could, and would, encourage me to practice what was pure in thought,
word, action, deed, for myself and for all others with whom I would be
acquainted, in just meeting them or living with them, working with
them, or just for a few moments to recognize them in a very light way?

Do I remember to examine my conscience before I lay my head at
night to sleep the tiredness away? Do I go down the Commandments one
by one, and question my thoughts, actions, reactions, or my
conversations with others? Also, during the day do I ever remember to
ask for help morally?

Is it not so that, most times, a request for help from The
Creator or from a Saint comes through a need for aid physically,

Today as I speak, I speak as I have at no other time, because
men, women and children, of all ages, use each day living it according
to the habits they have formed, what is important to them at the
moment, most of the time ignoring totally that each day is a Gift from
The Divine, and will be accountable at a given time.

It is sad to say throughout the world human life has forgotten
Who created them, the Purpose for their Creation, the Divine Love in
their Creation and the Goal that nothing else in the world can exceed
in any way, because at the end of one's life the Soul is the Remaining
Factor that represents the one in whom It was placed at the moment of
conception, and this Soul, as a Portion of The Creator, can be a
victim of the one in whom It was placed, or can be a Saint
immediately, because of whom It was placed. So be it."

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously
and continuously as witnessed by all those present at the time.
Copyright 1996 FMK
This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.

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