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The 'Good and Beloved, Successful' Sociopath, Criminal Mind and Energy Vampire - HOW CAN THAT BE - {HRI 20121029-V2.0}

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2012-10-31 11:38 The 'Good and Beloved, Successful' Sociopath, Criminal Mind and Energy Vampire - HOW CAN THAT BE - {HRI 20121029-V2.0} Koos Nolst Trenite
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The 'Good and Beloved, Successful' Sociopath, Criminal Mind and
Energy Vampire - HOW CAN THAT BE?

29 Oct 2012
{HRI 20121029-V2.0}

(Version 2.0
on 31 Oct 2012)

(suits foreign
language students)

(text body
1600 words)


Truth is absolute, and it is only the DEGREE
of Perception, that makes Truth SEEM "relative,"
or "personal," or even "conflicting." {I-c} *(3)

Koos Nolst Trenite
human rights philosopher and poet



Sociopaths etc. have everything IN REVERSE.

So when you tell them 'to be good' - they are "going to be 'good'

- BY making you Blind to Perceiving-sensing people (and THEM) as they

they take away, they pull or smash away your Life Energy for
sensing and Perceiving people (and for Perceiving THEM) AS THEY

and they hit you with Blinding Energies to deter or make impossible
your sensing-Perceiving how they are;

and Sociopaths are "going to be 'good' alright"

- BY hypnotizing you (controlling your Perception Energy) into
your Perceiving-sensing THEM as they want to be "seen," which is:

as you like to see anyone, really, and as you LIKE to see them,
and you TOLD them 'to be:'

So they make you really "see," they make you sense and Perceive

as (as if they are) being 'Good, Beloved, Successful;'

and Sociopaths do "comply with your wishes"

- BY Blocking or taking away your (Life Energy for connecting to)
Memories about THEM, that are too unpleasant to remember;

and Sociopaths do "comply with your wishes"

- BY taking away, by pulling or smashing away, (some or much of) YOUR
Beauty and Love Energy and YOUR Energy for being certain about and
for communicating what is true (truth defined as: 'what happened
caused by whom with what intention'),

and they USE that Energy AGAINST YOU - to give their lies
strength, and to entice you into accepting them,

because you easily accept "their" Beauty and "their" Love as
something "genuine,"

because "their" Energy is being very familiar to you!


So they just present to you "what you want anyway from people," AND
they give you, "what you want from THEM:"

You WANT people to be 'Good, Lovable, and Successful' - ISN'T
IT -

so, "what are you complaining about!"

Their nature and intention remains however:

their nature to feel and create continuously a
fierce but camouflaged Hate for you and for anyone,

their nature that harbors anchored in its darkest
depth a persistent, violent CONTEMPT FOR LIFE AND

And they HIDE it, by making you Blind (non-Perceptive,
insensitive) and by making you Hypnotized.

(Hypnotizing you: making you "sensing," "feeling" and
"remembering" FALSELY - with THEIR thoughts as "your
own ideas.")

They make you INSENSITIVE to observing their Ugliness,

they make you NOT NOTICE their fake "happiness" and their lies,

they make you NOT FEEL their INTENSE Hate and Contempt for also
you, that remains existing in them no matter what.


YOU don't want to see or experience it, their true feelings and their
thoughts that they wall off from you,

so they, the Sociopaths do help you with it.

They even ENFORCE it on you:

Should you break their hypnotism - which (for those who
DO know what hypnotism IS, hypnotism) consists of FORCEFUL
Life Energy particles, inflicted on your soul and on your
body -

(and should you break their hypnotism on you, then) they
will instantly increase that hypnotic Force,

and they will inflict considerable damage onto your
body and onto your soul, [UALEM]

for which "you have to visit whom? ...right,
a medical doctor!"

A medical doctor - from Eastern or Western
heritage alike, and throughout the millennia -

DENIES and HIDES the cause of diseases and of
the loss of immunity of the body:

the Sociopaths and their inflictions
of Harmful Life Energy PARTICLES.

They inflict PARTICLES - you dopes - Life Energy Particles
- HARMFUL, Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles or

Sociopaths change or ALTER, normal Life Energy
into Harmful Life Energy - which consists of

You SENSE (feel, notice) those Particles with your
body and with your soul. And if or at times when you
are not wholly Blind, [MTPBS] then you can also
visually see some

(with your non-photon Perception, that has
been DESTROYED in most people on Earth, but
by which, in your past, you could - and at
times, now)

you still can see some of those Particles hitting
you or your body.



That is how Sociopaths manage to "be good and beloved and successful"

- Sociopaths are Criminal Minds and Life Energy Vampires, and
they include, as you know, dictators -

and what these DO, to succeed in "being good and beloved," and
how "they make you happy:"

(Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.)

To make and keep you forever Blind and Hypnotized by means of their
FORCEFUL infliction - on you, on anyone - the infliction of Harmful
Life Energy Particles - which they want you to be Blind to.

So you simply WON'T SEE or sense or understand, what is done to you
and to those that you and I love.



Things get worse, though:

You WANT your Perception modified, and your memory restrained, so that

"you are living in a pleasant environment,"

"where you can like all people," and "where everyone likes you

as if some kind of religious or 'Beethovenese' Brotherhood
or Family or Umma "could exist on Earth." [DDC-17],[IWBA]

You WANT to live "in a pleasant, happy environment." *(1)


And things get even worse, still:

Pointing out to people, that someone they admire and trust, or
that a close friend or a spouse or a family member, IS such a

(who DOES have the thoughts and intentions of a Sociopath
towards you and in fact towards anyone),

to disrupt those emotional (Energetic) ties,

can of course be a dangerous mission to fulfill on someone who
is fully "under the wool," who is very strongly Hypnotized, and
who in fact is "in the possession" of the Sociopath,

inside the cocoon of Harmful Energies, spun by the
Sociopath, spun around the soul of someone, a cocoon

consisting of ideas and feelings, of emotions
and Perceptions, and made by

inflicting, controlling and blocking of
feelings and ideas and emotions, Perceptions
and memories, of someone,

or as they like to say it, someone who "has an emotional
bond" with the Sociopath in question

(and possibly also a financial bond - for instance
in primitive societies where children or where even
women, can not leave an oppressive family, because
they are financially dependent, and children are
legally dependent as well).




So THAT is what THE (on Earth a hundred million) Sociopaths DO, and
HAVE succeeded in:

You DON'T know how Perception works. And you "know it" FALSELY.

You DON'T know how memory works. And you "know it" FALSELY. And
YOU DON'T CARE to know.

You DON'T know how hypnotism works. And YOU DON'T CARE, that
you don't know!'

And THE (hundred million) Sociopaths MAKE VERY CERTAIN, that you
CONTINUE NOT TO KNOW, and continue NOT CARING to know, and continue
to "know" FALSELY.


The Sociopaths have achieved that, in the society.

In current "science," "politics," "religion" and "art,"

- in medical "science" in particular: with a whole
financial, legal, educational, public relations and
drug enforcement system in place and functioning,

enforced by the threat of great suffering and of
untimely death,

suffering and untimely death which is caused by
the very inflictions on you by the Sociopaths,
to begin with (!) - [TPAT][MDSF]

they PROTECT AND HIDE all those 'Good and Beloved, Successful'
millions of Sociopaths on Earth. *(2)


That may entice you to some self-examination, it may remind you
of the Definition of 'Insane:'

'Assigning the wrong cause to things.' [DOI]

In other words, they - the Sociopaths - made you stark-staring
and raving mad,

and THEY make you think the very opposite about yourself, that
you are "educated" and "know about life."

Once again: Criminal Minds want to have everything seen
and felt and understood IN REVERSE.



If you have not the courage to admit that about yourself, yes, not
even about others,

whom you pay much money "to educate you or to educate others,"
and whom you pay much money "to keep you and to keep others
healthy and safe," [CSTC-A]

if you DON'T admit, that these are 'Assigning the wrong
cause to things,' [DOI]'

then this will go on and on, and get worse and worse,

and technical advancement will be used to hide and maintain
and increase Evil, more and more. [ODE]





In order to defend yourself, however, and in order to defend others,
you HAVE to observe people

- to sense-Perceive also unpleasant things -

you have to observe things

CORRECTLY, and you HAVE to connect to memories

- to remember also unpleasant things -

you have to remember things


meaning ...NOT be hypnotized!

There are enough videos etc. available to you, to
show what someone hypnotized is capable of:

completely falsely "perceiving" people,
completely falsely "remembering" people.

The Sociopaths - understandably - DO NOT WANT, that
you understand hypnotism

(or the Alzheimer infliction, for that
matter, either).

By the way, you can send this HRI (this Human Rights
Issue) to a Sociopath

in order to find out about it or to confirm
the condition in someone,

and notice the Hate and Contempt dripping from his
or her voice or words, or hear 'the gnashing of his
or her teeth.'

Countering these:

You go and understand what Perception is, and what memory is, how
these work in actuality

- which is Fine Particle Physics - {iFPP}

and you are all set, to protect yourself and others (and me).


Thus wishing you a life - and many more lives - of Natural Sanity,
Natural Health and Natural Peace, I do remain, etc.,

Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'



(more to be added)

(1) [book: Brave New World] ('Textnote' to be added)


(2) NOT ONLY, can Life Energy Vampires or Sociopaths put
together and project at you, the Life Energies

that intend and make you FEEL, that

"you love them, you admire them greatly and you must
protect them as if they are the most precious beings on

(this I discovered already some ten years ago)

BUT they ALSO - Life Energy Vampires or Sociopaths - can
ALSO put together and project at you, those Life Energies

that intend and MAKE YOU FEEL, that

"THEY love YOU very much."

(That last part I discovered only recently, in
June 2009 to be more precise.)

History books are of course full of examples, of exactly
those two inflictions on you or on others!

-- Source: [FALEV] (Version 4.2)


(3) Truth is defined, in your soul, as:

'What happened, WHO caused it with what intentions.' {I-a}

Truth CANNOT be erased: It - demonstrably - remains
forever available, for you - and for anyone else too -
to Perceive, ***

because it has become part of The Creation, the
moment it happened or was intended. {I-b}

Truth is absolute, and it is only the DEGREE of Perception
that makes Truth SEEM "relative," or "personal," or even
"conflicting." {I-c}

-- Source: [CSTC] (Version 4.2)



(more to be added)

[FLOHR] 'The First Law of Human Rights'
{HRI 20060601-V3.5} [FLOHR]
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)

[IDB CM-p20] ' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds
- Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1} [IDBCM-p20]
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

[CSTC]'Com plete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths by
easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs'
{HRI 20120815-1-V4.2} [CSTC]
(15 August 2012 - Version 4.2 on 6 Sept 2012)

[CSTC-A]'The Sociopaths teach also the CIA, and at Universities,
"how to think" about Life'
{HRI Note 20120815-1-A-V1.0} [CSTC-A]
(18 August 2012 - Addition to 15 Aug 2012 HRI Note)

[DSK EY]' 'Purpose of Life' (Meaning of Life) Definition Complete Now
- plus -
'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths
ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' '
{HRI 20120819-V3.4} [DSKEY]
(19 August 2012 - Version 3.4 on 11 Sep 2012)

[UALEM] 'Unable to Stay Alive Without Life Energy Fluctuation Meter
(LEF Meter)'
{FPP Note 20120810-V1.1} [UALEM]
(10 August 2012 - Version 1.1 on 11 Aug 2012)

[DDC-17] 'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand
Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1} [DDC-17]
(11 December 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 13 Dec 2007)

[IWB A]'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.2} [IWBA]
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.2 on 4 Dec 2010)

[PWDR]'Put in WANTS to destroy Russia (and the rest of the world)'
{HRI 20080919-V2.2.1} [PWDR]
(19 September 2008 - Version 2.2.1 on 20 Sept 2008
- issued 23 Feb 2012)

[PJS R]'I TOLD YOU already about Putin - and about the journalists
seeking "reason" in any Evil'
{HRI 20080809-V3.6.1} [PJSR]
(9 August 2008 - Version 3.6.1 on 25 Aug 2008)

[FALEV]'Famous American Life Energy Vampires - Unsuspected Of
Destroying Your Emotional Integrity'
{HRI 20031110-V4.2} [FALEV]
(10 November 2003 - Version 4.2 on 22 May 2012)


_________ ___

Copyright 2012 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at
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Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' - {HRI 20120815-1-V4.0.1}

Koos Nolst Trenite 2012-08-29 06:46

'Purpose of Life' Definition Complete Now - plus 'Do Sociopaths KNOW they are Sociopaths, and do Sociopaths ENJOY being so... Yes, Yes' - {HRI 20120819-V3.1}

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Complete Definition of Truth - plus 'Classifying Sociopaths by easily recognized, typical compulsions of theirs' - {HRI 20120815-1-V4.2}

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I TOLD YOU already about Putin - and about the journalists seeking "reason" in any Evil (of a 'Sociopath as "leader"') - {HRI 20080809-V3.6.1}

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