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Cannibals In The White House! Meet George Bush, Jr., Barbara Bush, Jr., G. Bush, Sr., B. Bush, Sr., Ronald Reagan, Clinton, Nixon, Gerald Ford, Eisenhower, Kennedy, And All The Rest Of The Presidents Of The United States!

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2007-10-10 18:57 Cannibals In The White House! Meet George Bush, Jr., Barbara Bush, Jr., G. Bush, Sr., B. Bush, Sr., Ronald Reagan, Clinton, Nixon, Gerald Ford, Eisenhower, Kennedy, And All The Rest Of The Presidents Of The United States! jon_johnfrancisayres
Introducing The Dhourties And The Dualdigers, Nudism? Nakedity? Aren't
We Born Naked? Isn't Our Naked Skin Our Clothes? Is Being Born Naked A
Crime By The Dhourties' Logic If Nudity In Public Is A Crime?

The Dhourties' Fortresses For Killing 'Dualdigers' Off - The Dhourties
And Their Control Of Dualdigers, In Fortresses For Killing Off
Dualdigers - Molding Up Bread - Clark County Detention Center - Lewd
Conduct Brings You Closer To GODLYNESS, Or The Love And Chastity, Or
The Beauty, Elegance, And Grace Of GOD's Love For My Children - Sexual
Compassion For And With Others And For And With Self - Balancing Out
Karma, It Is My Way, Or Thou Shalt Takeeth The Highway! And Getteth
Thoun Self Out Of My Universe! - The Ludicrousness Of Playing
'Footsies' With The Insanity Driven Dhourty Government - What Is Lewd
Conduct? - Storing And Dealing With Your Karmic Records - Rules Of
Conduct For 'Permission Granted' To Sexal With GOD, That's Me - The
Dhourties Are Not Informed As To What I Am Doing, And Few Of Them,
Know Any Thing At All About Me - Lewd Conduct Should Be Advanced, Not
Prohibited, In A Sane Society - Organ Animals And Sexaling - All Hands
At The Quarter! Ready Your Weapons! Off Shoot Now! Keep Firing Till
Ordered Otherwise! Updated: 10-02-07 Rev.g 22:47 PDT

The Dhourties' Fortresses For Killing 'Dualdigers' Off

Recently, on August 5, 2007, at 19:50, I was arrested for 'lewd
conduct' bkg. code 5131, (later struck through, and changed to), bkg.
code D169, Charge ORD/NRS# 12.32.020 (CCO) 0200- with the 0200-
appended, Sector Beat S1, that's the best I can make of the copy I
have, a photo copy of one of the original copies. CCDC OR 369/365/A,
with '369' struck through. I.D.#087884, struck through, and changed
to, 2647396. Event#070805-2517. In the side column of the Temporary
Custody Order, it has in hand print, '1-N RT(1) nonit'. Time Stamp at

When I left, I was given a sheet of paper, a 'sign off by offender'
sheet, with this information on it:

08/06/2007 02:36 I4732H, OIRPTRAN, Name: Ayres, John
ID#0002647395, Admit Date: 08/05/2007

Date: 08/06-2007 Officer: 1544 14732H

This was for regaining my property from the inmates properties room.

I was arrested at Tropicana and Decature, on Decature, next to the
area where I have my 'Gurkian Way Ministry' sign up on a large, 7 feet
by 3.5 feet, 3/4 inch piece of plywood, and where I have another sign,
that clearly states on the same size piece of plywood, 'GOD's Place,
John Francis Ayres, And Children', where I was doing my 'Tai Chi'
aerobic excercise karma erasal religious ceremony, with no clothes on.

I explained to the arresting officers, that I am duty bound by my
religion, to do my religious karma erasal religious ceremonies, as
well as all my religious ceremonies, naked. I explained that I am GOD,
and that I am starting my own, or rather, my newest religion.

The arresting officers had many complaints from the 'assasins' group
of 'hired killers', and torturers, who live in the underground, below
and surrounding, the Home Depot, next to the New Orleans Hotel and
Casino. Their underground complex is in part, under the New Orleans
Hotel and Casino, as well.

They apparently, call the police, every time I come to my 'Gurkian Way
Ministry's' office site, where I do my Tai Chi aerobic excercise,
religious prayer activities.

I had been visited twice, once as noted, previously, and once by a
second team of police officers, who told me to just stay in the area,
where I had been sitting, and doing my Tai Chi aerobic excercise
religious prayer activities, and the officers told me to not wander
out naked, into the area surrounding my area, as, it was explained,
that passer's by will get "offended" by my nakedity or 'nudeness' in

I try to figure, how can some one get offended by looking at a naked
man? It's a mystery to me. Anyway, it does seem to be the case, that
people can feel uncomfortable, if some one is naked, possibly, and
that person would not like to approach the person, who is naked.

Well, if that is what is meant by 'offended', I don't know, but it
does seem to pose a problem, for people who may feel embarrased by
standing close to or talking to, some one who is naked.

What is a Dhourtie? It is a slang term the Lesbianists use for a
'warlock'. The Orson Well's movie, 'Time Machine' portrays ugly, long,
greyish white haired, mutant people, who can see in the dark, fairly
well, who serve the people on the surface of the planet, with apples,
and pears, that the 'warlocks' apparently pick and place out at night
to feed to the peaceful people.

The warlocks, then eat the people who live on the surface of the
planet once they lure them down into the underground labrynth of
underground caves, and tunnels. A 'dhourty' is a Lesbianists' slang
term for a 'mutant', or 'warlock'. The peaceful people, who live on
the planet, as shown in the movie, are termed, 'Dualdigers', by the
Lesbianists. 'Dualdigers' is a slang term for the peaceful, but
apparently lazy, sexually attractive, people who live on the surface
of the planet.

Some one also makes their clothes for them, as portrayed in the movie,
anyway, as the peaceful people, the 'dualdigers', were all clothed,
and had neatly groomed hair. They also apparently, regularly, brushed
their teeth, and no one got cavities, except for a now and then,
unlucky person, perhaps.

The people on the surface of the planet, apparently do not know how to
fight, and apparently, never have any thing to do with violence,
except for a now and then, quarrel.

Well, regardless of the movie, and its fictitious portrayal of human
life, as I don't know any one who acts like those people who are
living together, and loving together with each other, so peacefully,
the movie is where the terms for 'dhourty' and 'dualdiger' get their
start, in slang language, I suppose.

A dualdiger, I explained, before, in my early notes, as an animal, who
is a potent, I believe I said it was, who is part plant, and part
animal. It is a peculiar looking animal, and it is a silly looking
animal. I think the term, 'dualdiger' comes from this animal.

'Dhourty', probably originated, similarly, that is, it is a name for a
strange looking animal, a potent, or another of the many types of
animals, that are too tiny for us to see, who live in the 'sub
molecular' zones, as I was talking about them, before.

Remember, I said there were approximately 600 million zones in the
'molecular levels', or the levels above what we would think is the
area where we might be able to find, molecules. There is a cut off
point, and below that level, in the lowest of 'molecular zones' there
are sub molecular zones.

The zones are living zones, or cosms, as I explained. They are
habitats for living organizms. Below that level, the molecular level,
cut off level, there are 900 billion zones, or cosms, as I recall I
may have said, in the sub-molecular zones, before you get to the

At the bottom, there may still be smaller animals, living below that
level, and I believe there may be, but am not too sure, and I don't
know for sure, but if there are animals, living below that zone level
at the bottom, they are not as multipously populated, or numerously
with such a large number, and large multiple of different types of
animals, and they are not that densely populated zones or cosms,
living habitats, as the ones above them.

It must be hard for animals to find food, down there, in those such
areas, below the bottom. It would appear to us, as the artic, or
antarctic, where conditions are difficult, and few things live there,
or so it would seem, from what we are shown on television, by the
dhourties, the Lesbianists, on this planet.

I don't know what the real story is, below the bottom level zone, but
we'll find out, in time, as we begin to study, in the 'Managing My
Universe' program. Now that I mentioned, it, I think there are lots of
animals, living in very tiny zones, way down there, but at what
levels, those animals are living, I'm not sure. There are many
abominated human beings, living in the lower zones, along with the
animals in those zones, so just how small people get, and what kinds
of animal people they have become, we'll find out more about, once you
begin studying in the 'Managing My Universe' program.

The Dhourties And Their Control Of Dualdigers, In Fortresses For
Killing Off Dualdigers

The dhourties apparently control society, and they control the County
lockup facility, as when I was there, in a 'Dhourtie Fortress' for
killing off dualdigers, dhourties were in large numbers, busily
beating up inmates, being rude to inmates, torturing them, forcing
them to live in cells on cold, hard floors, with no blankets, and with
forced ventilation air conditioning, which is very cold.

The air is toxic, and is filled with fumes animals, of all kinds, but
primarily, from two sources, as far as I can figure, the one source,
being, air coolant fumes. The other source, industrial cleaners
fluids. Both are vaporous, and contain high levels of toxic animals.
There are also, at the county lockup facility, large numbers of
'asbestos' animals, in the air, that the prison visitors, are forced
to breath.

I was nearly choking, on the asbestos animals, by the time I left the
facility, at around 8:30 a.m. I was arrested, the night before, and
was transported by van, which was picking up other, soon to be
visitors, to the facility, for a number of hours, before I arrived at
the Clark County Detention Center, the lock up facility for booking
'visitors', after 11 oclock, that evening, I suppose.

It seems there are facilities underground, below the detention
facility, where there are tunnels, and 'caves' laboratories, that they
house prisoners in, who are then, cruely, and miserably, tortured,
eaten, and killed by the dhourties, who run the facilities, and who
run the government, and who run our planet.

Even below normal businesses, such as SONY, or Admiral, or
Westinghouse, or General Electric, and below the military bases, of
course, as well, similarly to the situation below the county lockup
facility, and below the New Orleans Hotel and Casino, and below the
Home Depot, there are facilities the 'dhourties' have built, to hide
and house people, ordinary people, who have been abducted, and who are
being tortured, abused, humiliated, criminally assaulted, eaten, and
killed by the dhourties, every day, around the world.

There is no country that does not have these facilities, and all
government facilities, and all prisons, and all county and city lockup
facilities, and all military bases, and all college campuses, and all
large public and private schools, have these facilties. There are also
these facilities under civilian housing areas, such as under large
housing complexes, where the governments have constructed low income
housing for low income wage earners, or ordinary people, the

This is pretty much the case, nationwide, and world wide, and you will
not find a country in the world, with out this set up, constructed by
the 'dhourties' who run the governments, and who run, every aspect of
society, including, dictating how we piss, and on what kinds of
comodes we sit, shit, and piss into.

We are driven and managed by the dhourties, daily, and they are every
where. You will not recognize them, as they look like normal people.
They are not mutants, not in appearance, any way. They do have brain
deficiencies, however, and they are not clever enough to beat me, GOD.
Their brain deficiencies, are of the organic kind, and that means,
down in the wiring, they have problems, and their brains do not work
for them, any more, in lots of ways. They may seem normal, on the
surface, but they are far from normal, down in the wiring, as lots of
it has short circuited, and there are many blown fuses. They are not
capable of knowing what 'common' sense is, these people with brain
deficiencies. They can fake it, but in side, when they have a
question, as to what they should do, they can not answer it, without
the assistance of their code books.

They have numerous codes, and code books, and these are there, to help
them manage to survive, and thrive, in the real world, that they
created for them selves, and for the dualdigers, to live in.

I have no intention of returning to the Clark County Court House, for
my trial, in Justice Court, on Sept. 5, 2007, in less than thirty
days, at 7:45 a.m. I have no intention of playing their game of who
takes control of whom, as I will not stand for their intolerable
system, their societal system, that they have established for the
dualdigers to follow.

I didn't mind going into their buildings, before I learned that their
buildings are death traps. I am not going to show up for my court
trial and play their game of 'footsies', just, as if I can help it, I
will never pay taxes to this or any other dhourty government, run by
the dhourties, and that is all of the governments, on this planet.

Yes, I have to pay minor taxes, on food and liqour expenses, and on
clothing expenses, and so forth. That is taken from me, without any
one asking me, if I would like to pay it or not, and I have no choice,
but to pay it, or I will not recieve the item, or items, I wish to

I am not going to stop my naked dancing, that is, my Tai Chi aerobic
excercise, religious prayer activities, if I can help it.

I don't think any one is embarrased by being close to a stripper, in a
night club, or to a can-can dancer, with little to no clothes on, in
the casinos, that line the strip, here in Las Vegas.

I don't think the ladies, feel embarrased, when they go to the male
stripper clubs here in Las Vegas, where the ladies, of all ages, whoop
and holler, get all powered up, sexually, and call out at the male
stripper dancers to 'Show me more!', etc.

Isn't it peculiar, that the dhourties who live in the drainage system,
next to where my camp site is located, in the underground tunnels,
systems, complain to the police about my being in 'their' park, and
'dancing' nakedly, and 'jerking off', that is, religiously expelling
sacred and holy fluids, as I've expalined about, as well, and acting
in a 'bizarre' manner.

Well, I don't think they are being truthful, as they are all
dhourties, most of the people calling in, and the dhourties want me
off their property, so that they can go on, killing unsuspecting
tourists, travelers, down and out people, who may camp out in the
park, or who they lure to the park, after making a casual friendship
with them.

I will not stand for this, intolerable arrangement in our society, and
no one should. The whole area of Downtown Las Vegas, should be
leveled, and blown out to expose a wide, gaping hole in the ground,
and every facilty of theirs underground, should be destroyed, and
turned into dust, rubble, and dirt particles, in the explosion(s).

The underground casino areas, including the New Orleans Hotel and
Casino, and all of the other, dhourtie hotel and casino
establishments, and their facilities, below them, should also be
blasted and each one left as a large gaping hole, using the
explosivies formulas, that I have provided on my bulletin board.

I would like to see every single one of the dhourties expelled from
this planet, and blown to bits, leaving nothing but traces of their
brain wiring, and bits and pieces of their bodies, behind. However,
that is impractical, as I will not have any children, among the
dhourties, left, on this planet, to practice my religion, after they
are introduced to it. It is a religion that will be here forever, and
I need people to practice it. I can not go around killing every single
shit head kid of mine, and expect to get any where, religiously, after
I have killed them all.

Though they may be shit heads, and though their brain wireing, is
faulty, and not workable, for them, much of the wiring, any way, and
though my 'ordinary' kids, may not be too much better, in terms, of
being a human being, I can not go around killing my kids, just because
I do not like them, and I do not approve of their behavior.

We will have a justice system, of my own, when we get my children, who
have the technologies, to build my criminal justice system, according
to Gurkian Law.

I have had enough of their bullshit criminal justice system, that they
instituted, and as soon as I can get my religious prayers said, as I
do my Tai Chi aerobic excercise religous prayers activities, in the
park, from week to week, from month to month, and from year to year, I
will get my kids to build my criminal justice system, and I will be
seeing the shit head kids of mine, placed into prison cells, and then
corrected, before allowing them to be released. That goes for all of
the dhourties, and for all of the dualdigers kids of mine, who do not
act, properly, and who do not act peaceably.

We have a lot to learn, about my universe, and about the people who
are living in my universe. I will have all of them, practicing my
religion, in time. There will be no if's, and's, or but's about it, as
I am going to make all my children, work for me, whether they like it,
or not. I have a long time to get my program, up and running, and
these things do not take place, over night. It's one planet, at a
time, and in some cases, there are lots of people, interested, in my
religion, already, and they are responding, variously, the ones who
have the technologies, to be able to look in, and see, from time to
time, what all is happening, here on this planet, with me and my
religious efforts.


Molding Up Bread

Ask your friendly, neighborhood dhourty, who will cooperate with you,
for more information, as to how to mold up spices, and flowers, etc.,
and for information on molds, in general, and so forth, as they know
all the secrets, and tricks, to molding up every thing possible,
successfully, as they were trained in the molding sciences, and they
are all, certified moldists, who can teach you every thing you wish to
know about molding sciences, and every thing else you need to know, to
feed the organ animals, in your body, for you to regroverate your
body, successfully, and for you to get well, from all the illnesses,
that the dhourties, have helped you to get sick from. Show them the
same kindness they show you, and be kind to them, as you invite them
into your underground lairs, where you will be having them stay with
you, as sexaling guests, and as teachers, to teach you about the
molding sciences, and other sciences, you need to learn about.

Living Forever On Molds, Foods For Feeding Molds Animals, And Sexaling

See my bulletin board, for more information on 'living forever' by
eating molds and the foods they eat, to feed your organ animals, the
foods they need to feed on, to be healthy, and to allow you to live
forever. In addition, you need the male and female sexaling juices in
your daily diet, as I've explained, on my bulletin board, which will
allow you to get the spare parts, or baby organ animals, and other
animals of all kinds, that you need to replace old and worn out, organ
animals, etc., in your body with to allow you to live, forever. There
is more to this science of regroveration, then I have recalled, so
far, obviously, as this is a complicated science, that involves many
things. As I remember this stuff, I will let you know what we've
missed. My amnesiatic conditon is not helping me to recall every thing
I need to recall, all at once. Find your self a cooperating dhourty,
and get their cooperation, and you'll learn more quickly, and
accurately. They also have pledged to teach you, all the molding
sciences, and so far, they have not been fair, and they have held back
this knowledge from you, so you deserve a break, and they must teach
you, or they will do jail time, in my prisons, after my kids build
them for me.

Clark County Detention Center

It is an odd thing, when they ask you your sex, and if you happen to
be a girl, with a dick attached to your body, they call you a 'mixed
genitals' person, rather than a 'male', or a 'female'. They do not
check to see if male's have vaginas or not, and so only women, get
listed as 'mixed genitals' persons. This is very peculiar. I was told
to sit on the 'male' side of the room, where only males sit, in the
booking intake area. There was a female sitting next to me, and she
apparently had a dick, and so they listed her as a 'mixed genitals'
person, or a 'GM' for 'genitals mixed', rather than, 'female'. This is
very peculiar, as only women are selected for this gender
specification. It is not a gender specification, obviously, and the
dhourties know it, and they are just goofballing every one, pretending
there is some thing about a woman, who has a dick, that some how makes
her a non-gender person, and that non-gender person, is a 'mixed
genitals' person. She becomes confused, as she is told to sit with
males, in the jail house, and she is jailed, I suppose, with males, as
well. This is very peculiar, if you ask me, but it seems to be the
case. If all men who have vaginas, were placed in a 'mixed genitals'
classification, and were then told to sleep together in wards with
mixed genitals women, I don't think that would be such a bad idea, but
that is not the case, and only women with dicks are told to sleep in
wards with males with dicks only, or males with vaginas, as well as

It is a goof ball situation, in the Clark County Detention Center, and
I wonder how they figure their way through this situation.

On the premises of the Clark County Detention Center, the dhourties
poison you with fumes animals of all kinds, and asbestos animals, in
the lock up facility, and if you happen to develop pains, due to those
poisonings, you are out of luck, as you will not be prescribed pain
relief medications by the Clark County Detention Center medical staff,
as they are not allowed to prescribe to you, a prisoner, any substance
that is addictive, unless you have surgery, or unless you have a clear
breakage of a bone in your body, such as ribs, arms, fingers, and so
forth, or unless you can show that your body is severely damaged, such
as from a knife wound, or from an other type of wound you recieved,
during a fight, with an inmate, or guard for instance.

I will not be going back to jail, or to the Clark County Detention
Center lockup facility, or to any of their lock up facilities, their
fortresses for killing off the dualdigers, as that would be a death
sentence, and I do not have the karma to die, so I will not be seeing
any law enforcement agents, at my door, or in the park, once the Clark
County Justice Court issues a bench warrant, for my not showing up for
my court and trial date. I am GOD, and if any one could figure it out,
I am doing religious prayers, and doing religious prayers, is not a
lewd act or lewd conduct, even though I am naked while doing my
prayers ceremonies. I was born naked, and I will continue to live,
naked, in the shower, and in the bath tub, and when I am changing my
clothes, and when I am sexaling, and when I am doing my Tai Chi
aerobics prayer ceremony activities. Lewd acts are simply, acts that
solicit sexual engagements with others, in the simplest sense, and so
a wink would be lewd conduct, and a smile would be lewd conduct, and
no one is going to go to jail, for those, except maybe in Muslim
countries, where the women wear veils to cover their face, and where
they force women and girls to wear gowns to make women and girls
appear as if they live in a sack, in many cases.

Lewd Conduct Brings You Closer To GODLYNESS, Or The Love And Chastity,
Or The Beauty, Elegance, And Grace Of GOD's Love For My Children

Sexual activities are not within the domain or realm of human beings
to cast judgements about. Sexual conduct is not within the domain for
human beings to cast judgements about, or to make any opinions about,
legal, or otherwise. Why not? Because sexual conduct and sexual
activities are devine, sacred, holy acts that can not be looked at in
any way other than from the perspective of holyness and the
graciality, or gracenesses of GOD, that's me. Graciality is sacred
GODLYNESS, or Devine rapture with GOD.

Governments have no jurisdiction or decision making powers or
authority over matters that deal with spiritual beingness, and one's
relationship with one's creator, GOD, that's me. It's arrogance on the
part of any person who thinks that he or she can regulate a person's
behavior that brings one into direct contact with one's creator. The
karmic scores for this type of mistaken belief and practice, by any
one, are high, and the outcome is a punishing one. The penalties for
interfering by legislation or by any other means, with a person's
rights to live in harmony with one's creator being by advancing one's
sexually committed life style of sexaling freely with people and
animals to reach a higher state of goodlyness, and grace, and in time,
make a closer bond and contact with one's Creator, GOD, that's me, is
not a light penalty, and this behavior of legislating out by laws,
codes, and regulations the rights of an individual to practice
sexually commiting oneself to others by sexaling freely with others
for reaching higher states of goodlyness and grace, and contact and
closeness with one's Creator Being, that's me, GOD - and I'm the one
responsible for all of this, as should be obvious by now - is folly,
foolishness, drunken gayety, and ludicrously laughable behavior.

If and when you become devinely raptured with GOD, that is, when you
begin to sexually orgasm and erotem or experience sexually orgastic
and erotic sensations as a result of sexual mindfulness, and sexual
contact with others, you are in the supreme state of graciality, and
that means you are one with GOD.

To state any thing about the holy and sacred activities of sexaling,
sexual mindfulness, sexual compassion for and with others, other than
they are devine act, and acts that brings you closer to GOD, and acts
that allow you to breath in the goodness of the GODLY spirit, or the
love of GOD in your life, that means, the raptured sexaling orgasming
goodlyness of a good orgasm, with full motors engaged, and all
orgasming potentials realized, is folly and ignorance based behavior.

For humans to comment on rapturing with GOD in a sense of, is it good
or is it bad, is sheer nonsense, and unacceptable, by any standards.
It is a devine act that brings you closer to your creator. To say
sexaling is this way, or that way, and so there fore, we are going to
prohibit it, and so forth, is sheer lunacy, and not a notion that can
be universally accepted as a reasonable statement by a reasonable
person. It is the banter of minds that are insane, that state such

Sexual Compassion For And With Others And For And With Self

Sexual compassion for and with others, are the actions of engaging
others to sexually erotemize them, and in so doing, to erotemize
oneself, and to sexually orgasm others, and to orgasm oneself, for the
sake of clearing up, or cleansing their and your karmic distresses, or
karmic failures. Karmic failures are the naughtynesses, or
misbegotten, mindless, dhourty like, animalistic behaviors, that lack
compassion, and that lack mindfulness, and which is rife and riddled
with jest and gayety directed at the victims of their torture
sessions. This is mistaken, mindless, and uncompassionate behavior
that causes undue and unjust suffereings and miseries to others, and
draws one and all of my chidren further away from their relationship
with their Creator Being, that's me, GOD.

Balancing Out Karma, It Is My Way, Or Thou Shalt Takeeth The Highway!
And Getteth Thoun Self Out Of My Universe!

On the one hand, there is a need to balance out one's karma by
engaging a person's life, and by bringing that person to a point of
suffering where at the mathmatical formula for balancing out karma,
and cleansing a person of his or her karma, will be satisfied. This
need to balance out one's karma is based on a mathmatical formula,
that must be followed, to allow people to balance out their karma, so
that they can live as a nearly decent human being.

The need to engage others, in retributional recoursivistic actions,
for the sake of balancing out their karma for them, is a compassionate
act, that can be done with passion, and compassion, if one's mind is a
'pure' mind, and the mind of GOD, that's me, John Francis Ayres.

Only my mind is pure enough, and capable of GODLY passion for my
children, that will bring a proper result to the lives of my children
for balancing out their karma. The dhourty menacers, think they are
mini gods, and they think it is their right and obligation, as stated
in their code books, to help others with their karma, and so they are
always, brutally punishing and tortureing others.

There is a long history to this, that will help explain how this got
started, and I am partly to blame for their beginings as an
organization, as I helped design and write their code books. It is not
clear in my memories how much I helped them to get their start, but as
a sexaling lay organization, they had and have the right to make their
own code books, that follow basic premises, established by me, long

Their behavior is too far out of line, but I used them as a
supplemental assistive group of persons to assist me, in many ways, to
allow my children to get their karma straigtened out. It was and is an
imperfect organization, as it is run by imperfectly minded people. It
is time to disband their organization, as now, in the Gurkian Age,
there will be no other methods allowed for straightening out people's
karma, other than the one's that I insist on, the ones that I
implement with the assistance of my working children, the ones that I
will use, to straighten out my childrens' karma, over time, as we
progress along to the future.

The Ludicrousness Of Playing 'Footsies' With The Insanity Driven
Dhourty Government

For me to contest a charge of 'lewd conduct' with the insanity driven
Dhourty government is not an act that I will be engaging myself in. By
insanity driven, I mean they believe they are all mini gods, and they
believe they have the ultimate right to determine others' destiny.
This is sheer insanity, and they are all mentally ill, and that will
be proven, once you begin your studies in the programs that I and my
working children have lined up for you to study and participate in.

What Is Lewd Conduct?

Lewd conduct is an act, that draws others to a higher state of knowing
GOD, in that if you engage in a sexaling act, as a result of 'lewd
conduct', or the act of soliciting others to make a sexual statement,
or that is, to solicit others to commit them selves to a sexual
activity, or action, for me to contest a charge, of 'lewd conduct', as
I was saying, is sheer nonsense, and ludicrous behavior, and it is not
in the domain of human beings to condemn 'lewd conduct' as lewd
conduct is grateful to GODLYNESS conduct, as lewd conduct, and lewd
behavior of sexaling with others, which is also a type of lewd
conduct, is a sure way to reach higher states of grace, and that
means, you grow closer in contact with your creator as a result of
your lewd conduct.

Gratefulness to GODLYNESS is a condition of being enraptured during
the sexaling orgasming phase of sexual and erotic thrills inducing
activities. The ejaculation and orgasming of males, and the orgasming
and ejaculation of females, and the running or flowing of the sexaling
juices from a females' body brings on a higher state of grace, and it
brings you closer to your pure, devine, self as a 'child of GOD', and
I am GOD, and I know this kind of stuff, so take my word for it, and
get your brains, unbrainwashed, and get your dicks and vaginas busy,
and learn what purity of self is all about as you sexal for weeks, and
months, and years, non stop.

The longer you sexal, the higher you will go, in terms of reaching a
higher state of closeness to your Creator, that's me, GOD. For the
dhourities to unfuck up them selves and their brains, and for the
dualdigers to unfuck up them selves and their brains, and for them all
to get their act together, to where they can appreciate the higher
states of GODLYNESS, will take some time, maybe a few kabillions plus
years, or more. I am, technically, a dualdiger, and so I am also in
that lot, but I have an advantage, in that I am GOD, and it is easy
for me to stay pointed in the correct direction, for gaining a higher
sense or appreciation, over time, for the Love Of GOD, as my brain is
minorly connected to that state of being. There is a connection, in my
brain, that will carry me forward, and that will allow me to lead all
of my children, to this higher level or state, or condition of
beingness in harmony with the Love Of GOD, over the years we are
sexaling together, in my religion, during my religious ceremonies and
all of my religious activities, forever.

With your experiences of coming closer to GODLYNESS, your life becomes
purer, and your karmic records that you carry in your body, hidden
behind the particals in your body, on different layers, or
dimensionalities, and you can learn more about this, in the courses we
offer, for you to learn to sexal for a living, and so forth, the
records you carry begin to disintegrate, and they pale or loose their
sharp, duralangular edges, is one way of looking at it.

Duralangular edges is a term used in math, and I'm not familiar with
it, but it must be something to do with geometric shapes. In any case,
the edges sharp off, and that means, they drop off, and begin to form
more loose, or flowing, curvatures, as they disintegrate. Think of a
box with sharp edges. If the box is beaten on the edges, the box will
loose the sharpness of the edges, and slowly, if you beat at the edges
of the box, long enough, the box will begin to crumble. Well, it is
sort of the same thing, and your karmic records have these types of
geometric shapes to them, as we package things to do with your karma,
in tiny containers, and then affix them to your karmic records. This
sounds peculiar, but we have a way of doing it, and it works well, and
we can disintegrate these 'packages' or capsules, and as we do, we
straighten out or make lighter, your karma. This needs further
explaining, but you'll study it in your courses, when you begin to
study for the various programs we have for you to take and learn about
how things work and about how things are in my universe.

The sharp edges are slowly, very gradually, lost, or smoothed off, and
your karma changes, slowly, very gradually, as you acquire more and
more knowing GODLYNESS, and knowing GOD experiences for your self, as
you orgasm your way to blissful, purity.

It takes a lot of coming closer to GODLYNESS experiences to do
anything significant for your karma, and for cleansing the karmic
records in your life, the ones that are hidden in the dimensionalities
behind the particals that make up your body. There are layers and
layers of dimensionalities, and they nearly go on, forever. There is a
limit to them, however, and between this dimensionality, and the final
dimensionality, you have huge, and vast store houses of stockpiled
karmic records. We find lots of places to hide them, and you won't
believe how long it is going to take you to get all your karmic
records that are stored not only in the layers below the particals in
your body, but elsewhere, through out my whole and entire universe,
behind the particals or in layers of dimensionalities, under the
particals, that exist as matter, and as types of energies, and as
types of many other things, throughout my universe.

Storing And Dealing With Your Karmic Records

Your records are stored from here to kalamazoo Michigan, and that is a
phrase that says, they are every where, and the amount of time needed
to erase them all, and deal with them all, bit by bit, is quite large.
We've been here, a long time, and we've stored up your karmic records,
every where. If you think this is a simple job of erasing your karmic
records, you are mistaken, and you had better prepare your self for a
long term, and long haul project for erasing your karmic records.
Though the process of cleansing your karmic records is slow and
gradual, through the knowing of GODLYNESS experiences you acquire,
over time, the cleansing effects do occur, and your karmic burden is
reduced, a tiny bit. You have stockpiles and stockpiles of karmic
records, and we have found every imaginable way of storing them, and
we have shrunken them down, to pint sized records, that are very tiny,
and we have the technologies to do this, and we can resize them, and
then place them inside of the holding cells, in the many
dimensionalities behind, or underneath of the particals in your body,
and in your vicinity where you live, and near the planet where you
live on, way out to very far away from your planet, to nearly half or
so away across the universe, the current sized one, or nearly that
far. Your karmic records that interplay with your life, at the moment,
are stored out that far, and we have others, stored and hidden
elsewhere, as well, that are just sitting there, waiting to be dealt
with. Our placing of your karmic records, along with every one elses,
in this manner, deterimines what your karma is.

With this storage method, it keeps your records where we want them to
be, for us to be able to determine what your karma is, and for us to
be able with my religion, and with your religious activities, of
sexaling with your self, with others, and with your sexaling with
animals, as sexaling is sexaling, and there is no distinguishing of
the effects of sexaling. That is, your sexaling brings you closer to
GODLYNESS, no matter if you sexal with an ape, or baboon, or with a
monkey, or pet goose, or neighbor, or sister or brother, or your
child, or mother or father, or the conductor on the train, or subway,
or the stewardesses and stewards in the airplanes you fly in, or on
the trains you travel and commute to work in, or on the cruise ships
you vacation on, those of you with a little money, or with the workers
in the casinos and restaraunts that you frequent, if you happen to
live in Las Vegas, or other places where casinos are a part of the
local life style, and so forth, with your sexaling experiences of
coming closer to GODLYNESS, as you orgasm, and as you pulsate with
energies that purify your life, these energies, and other energies my
kids have a lot to do with, in the transporting of them to you, during
your religious activities, and other things that are like energies
that also cleanse your karma, but that need further clarification as
to what they are, these energies, etc., erase your karmic records, in
a priority determined manner with your karmic records stored in this
manner as described. You will learn more about this, in detail, as you
begin your studies once you have access to the software package that
the FBI, and government agencies are in the possession of, as I've
explained about.

For the present, I am stuck in a swamp like sand box, a parcel of
land, inhabited by dhourties, who are assasins, and killers for hire,
who work hand in hand with the dhourty police, and dhourty members of
law enforcement, and their dhourty staff. Dhourty hospitals also work
hand in hand with the tunnel rat association of dhourty assasins and
killers for hire, and with the dhourty police and their dhourty
friends, and dhourty advisors. All dhourties work with one and
another, in their local area, and they are generally, well connected
with each other, in that local area, but only a few of them know about
what is going on, with myself, GOD, and with my battle to over throw
the dhourty led governments of the world.

The Dhourties Are Not Informed As To What I Am Doing, And Few Of Them,
Know Any Thing At All About Me

There is no TV or media broadcasting about what I am doing, and they
only have their 'propaganda' TV to watch and to gain information from,
in addition to their 'propaganda' news papers, and 'propaganda' news
magazines. They do not exchange much information, as they are
prohibited from discussing business, except in the underground
'fortresses', the 'torture' facilities for torturing the dualdigers.
Even in those locations, they do not generally discuss anything to do
with business as usual types of stuff. Only important topics or
issues, such as John Ayres trying to destroy the Lesbianists, or
similar topics of importance, are allowed, and not much discussion of
any thing of interest, is exchanged by them, even in private. They are
busy with torturing the dualdigers, and it is a waste of time, to
discuss private, personal, or local issues, and even state or national
issues, and they are not allowed by their code books, to discuss
'wasteful' of time, issues with each other, while they are on their
tour of duty.

Lewd Conduct Should Be Advanced, Not Prohibited, In A Sane Society

Lewd conduct should be advanced in any society, that has a sane,
municipalator, or manager in charge of laws and criminalities, and not
'condemed' as is the way it is handled in this society. This will lead
to the detieroration of and the disintegration of human relationships,
and it will end all possiblities that people have of attaining a
higher standard of spiritual beingness, or spiritual goodlyness
engaged in a love relationship with one's creator. The action of
sexaling brings about a state of euphoria, but in that euphoria, there
is a holyness that is hard to penetrate into and perceive, as sexaling
in our demented and twisted minded society, is a condemned activity,
and that is clearly brain washed into every one's minds, as that is a
propaganda ploy of the Lesbianists, the dhourties. Arresting ladies
who sexal for a living, is one propaganda technique the Lesbianists
use to alter the minds of people. Christian values, of, sexal only
with one's spouse, is saying, you can not sexal with others and if you
do, you will be committing a wrongful act. That is also clearly stated
in Christian concepts, and it is another brain washing technique, not
to mention, a most devious one, that is highly rewarded, with maximum
penalties, in my karmic score card approach to managing my universe,
and you will learn more about that, when you begin your 'Managing My
Universe' course work, and you will also learn about it, as you go
along, and learn the principals of my religions, past, and present.

Lewd conduct is not a topic I will discuss with prosecuting attornies,
or with DA's, or with judges, or with police, as they are not
qualified to say a word about the realm of GODLYNESS, in their
inferior roles as varmint hunters, or criminal watchers, and on this
planet, as criminal torturers and killers. They are not fit, the
Lesbianists, mentally, to judge or determine the value of sexaling.
They are so anti-sexaling in their actions and words, and they are so
incredibly twisted up in their brains with regards to sexaling, they
will never come any where near me, or close to me, not one of them, as
they are too twisted in their minds, to be allowed by my children, to
come any where near me.

The joke the Lesbianists promote about sexaling, where they publicly
condem it, and privately enjoy sexaling with their co-worker
dhourties, is a big joke, the dhourties are playing on you, and you
are being goof balled, here, as well, into believeing that sexual
promiscuity is a 'bad' thing. You are a fool if you believe that, and
I am here to change all of that negative thinking, that you are
burdened with, that the dhourties have fooled you into beliveing, if
you in fact, do believe that sexual promiscuity is a 'negative' thing,
as that, as I've explained, is the only way for you to erase your
karma, and to ease the burden of karma in your life.

Like it or not, if I had wanted you to wear clothes when you were
born, I would have designed your bodies to have clothes on them, when
you were born. Your skin is your clothes, and it is only a matter of
time before you realize it. I did not design your bodies with any
other clothes on them, for your birth, and so, all you need to live
in, in moderate climates, is your skin and hair. That is all you need
and you will all get used to it, one day, living in your skin, and
hair, only, after you begin working for me, sexaling for a living, as
I have explained about.

You are all going to work for me, erasing karma, from now on, by
sexaling, as soon as I get my religious ministry, established. My kids
will be building the facilities for you to live and work in. When they
will begin building the facilities for you to live and work in, is the
question, that I do not have an answer for. But I am praying, that it
will be as soon as possible, as I do not need to be surrounded by
dhourty jerks in the park, who call the police every time I arrive to
do my Tai Chi aerobics excercises religious prayer ceremonies.

The dhourties in the park, and the dhourties at the police station,
and in the Clark County Detention Center, are all partners, who work
hand in hand, along with police department, sheriff's department, and
other law enforcement clerical dhourties, law enforcement dhourty
judges, and prosecuting attorney dhourties. We are surrounded by the
dhourties, in government, such as all the politicians running for
president, and all the politicians running for vice president,
including, former mayor Guiliani, who was with other dhourties,
primarily responsible for the World Trade Tower bombing, as I've
explained about.

These dhourties, and their dhourty friends, in society, account for a
large segment of our society. The ordinary people, for the most part,
former Lesbianists, i.e., dhourties, in previous lifes, are another
large segment of our population. One other segment, is my, what I
call, my public sector service workers, animal people, who eat and
torture dhourties, and others, who need their karma balanced out.

The dhourties are well aware of these animal people, and there are
some dhourties, who can not function, brainally, very well, and these
dhourties who can not function brainally very well, are not that
different from these animal people, as they both do the same basic
thing, and that is torture people, and torturing people helps to
balance out karma.

We are in a new age, the Gurkian Age, and I have a whole new religious
program, for balancing out karma, and you will all participate in it,
if you want to balance out your karma, and if you want to erase your
karma, and you will be in this religious program, for eternity,
sexaling with each other, as I have already explained.

Organ Animals And Sexaling

I mentioned the organ animals and their ability to make notational
thoughts to your brain. The 'I need sex' 'I need sex' drive in your
pants, or panties, on the front side of your groin, or on the
underside of your groin, or in your butt hole, the urging out, of 'I
need sex' 'I need sex', or in the boobies of women and girls, the
urging, 'I need sex' 'I need sex', they are all notational thoughts
from the sexaling organ animals in your body. Let's get used to this
fact, and grow up, and deal with things, logically. They are calling
out for our assistance. They want love and affection. They are hungry
for love and affection. I put them in your body the way they are so
they will help you in your daily activities of sexaling. Now let's get
real, and let's pet those organ animals, when they call out, saying,
'I want sex, please pet me now!' It's be kind to organ animals week,
this week and every week from now on, until we learn to be helpful to
all of our sexaling organ animals who need petting, and until we learn
to be comfortable with our sexuality. Let's get real, and let's get
the governments of the world to strike down the laws regarding
sexuality, nakedity, and sex between younger people and older people,
and let's also get the governments of the world to strike down all the
laws regarding the use of opiates, and aphrodesics in our daily diet
and in our quest to get healthier. We need these in our diet, as I've
mentioned before, and we will push ahead until we get the dhourty
governments of the world to listen to us, and then to comply.

All Hands At The Quarter! Ready Your Weapons! Off Shoot Now!

That means, get to your stations, and prepare to fight. Get your
weapons in firing order. Discharge your weapons.

That means, get naked, get your dicks, scrotums, your vaginas, labia,
all your sexaling equipment, such as your titties, your chests, your
pelvises, your hips, your tummies, your groins, your butt cracks, your
butt holes, your shanks, your backs, yopur shoulders, your necks, your
under arms, your feet, your palms, your toes, your fingers, your
tounges, your lips, your mouths, your throats, etc., and get every
little or big organ animal in your body that is hiding in you, to
work, working for you, as they are all designed and built for you to
use for sexaling enjoyment, and that body you are in, is designed and
built to be used for sexaling with your self, with others, as well as
with animals, and get ready to use them, and get using them, now.

Keep Firing Till Ordered Otherwise!

That means, do not stop sexaling, till you are ordered to.

Captain Off The Bridge.

John Francis Ayres
And Kids

Eyes, Ears, Noses, Throats, Tummies, Buttholes, Dicks, Vaginas,
Expeller Ports, And Who Knows What Else, Oh My! - Subtle Ways Of Brain
Washing People - What Is Sodomy? - Societal Brain Washing - Hair Ports
- Teeth Ports Updated: 11-08-07 Rev.b 05:50

Eyes, Ears, Noses, Throats, Tummies, Buttholes, Dicks, Vaginas,
Expeller Ports, And Who Knows What Else, Oh My!

Did you know that we have lots of organ animals inside of us? We do.
And do you know what else? Each one of them, has its own brain. It has
lots of brains inside of it, and each one does a particular function,
or maybe many functions. Probably lots of functions, I suppose. In any
case, each one has eyes, and each one has a nose, one or more, and
each one has a mouth, and each one has ears, and each one has a
throat, one or more, and each one has a butt hole, and a dick, or a
vagina, or maybe both, or maybe something in between, or maybe, some
thing that is not like a dick or a vagina, and is not in between, but
it is some thing that is wholely and entirely different from any thing
we are familiar with as far as reproductive organs go.

They also have tummies, and expeller ports, which are ports or
openings, that help them to expate the juices that there are inside of
them. What does expate mean? I think it means, to spit out. They
expate, or spit out, all kinds of juices, from lots of expeller ports,
or expeller opening holes, that open and close, and when they open,
juices come drooling out of them, and when they close, the juices stop
coming out, and the fluids drool and drain off and go some where, such
as down a via duct, or a channel, and out into a pool, where there are
animals, swimming, and snorkeling, and looking for food to eat.

Anyway, it's a confusing world, inside the body, if you don't go into
it, and look around for your self, at all the possible hiding places,
there are animals hiding, and eating up one and another.

We can look inside, and that is much safer, with microscope
technologies that will allow us to look inside, into all the different
habitats that there are, where animals are living, eating, making
children by themselves or with others who are like them, and so forth.

There are all kinds of odd creatures living inside of us, and we
haven't even begun to understand who is in there, and what they are
all doing. I think we need the cooperation of the governments of the
world, the dhourty governments, that I've explained about, and when
they give us a little cooperation, we can build the types of
microscopic technologies we need to look inside of our bodies, and see
all the little animals that are moving about, and eating, drinking,
swimming, fooling around, walking around, and just playing around, or
making love with one and another, to make babies.

Did you know, too, that there are optical nerves, that are a little
like optic fibers, and they connect many of the organ animals inside
of us, up to optic cirtcuits that then allow them to see out side of
our body.

That means, they can see the world around us. Did you know our whole
body is covered with microscopic, and smaller, optic ports, or viewing
windows, and viewing ports, to allow the organ animals inside of our
bodies to see out side the human body.

It's true. There are also nerves that are channels, like optic ports,
but they are sensory ports of different kinds. These sensory ports
also connect the organ animals up to the skin of our bodies, so they
can smell the fresh air around us, and these sensory nerves act like
little noses, and they are all over our body, in smaller than
microscopic sizes, as well.

There are also sensory nerves that function as ears, for the organ
animals, and they are connected up to the skin of our body, so that
the organ animals can hear things, that are going on, around us.

There are other sensory nerves, that connect organ animals up to the
surface of our skin, and these sensory nerves, allow for communication
with other organ animals in other people's bodies.

The organ animals all see each other, the outsides of each other, and
they can even see inside of your body, with special heat wave
signatures, and other technologies, that allow them to peer inside of
your body, and then see their organ animal friends, more up close.

That means, they can see each other, and they can talk with each
other. They have sensory nerves that transmit code to the special ears
of the other organ animals who they wish to speak with, and the
special ears of the other organ animals pick up different frequencies,
and different coding structures, and then they can communicate back
and forth with each other.

You didn't know that, did you. Well, it is a secret the Lesbianists,
or dhourties, do not want the dualdigers to know about. Do you know
why? Because, their Christian bullshit is just that. A pile of bull
shit. Not only that, but their sciences are all full of shit, too. If
you know that there are organ animals who want to see out side your
body, and view and communicate with other organ animals, who are in
other people's bodies, then you will want to allow them to hear as
best as they can, and you will want them to see as best as they can,
and you will want to let them smell the fragrances outside your body,
of other organ animals, as best as they can, and so forth, and that
means, you will want to take your clothes off to allow them to see
outside, and hear outside, and smell outside, and speak outside to
other organ animals, with no interference from your clothes, and
skirts, and pants, and underpants, blouses, bras, shirts, socks,
shoes, jackets, handbags, brief cases, and so forth.

You would want to stay naked, as much as possible, because that was
how I designed you to be. Did you know that? Well, it is true. We have
to let the organ animals inside of our bodies get as much fresh air,
and as much sunlight, and as much sensory input as possible, from the
outside world, and from other organ animals, for them to be happy,
living and working where they do, inside of our bodies.

Does that make sense to you? I hope it does, because we are all
mistaken in our beliefs that we must wear clothes.

Nudity promotes the health of the organ animals, inside of our bodies,
both mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. They get turned
on by the fragrances of other organ animals, and by the sights as they
look at other organ animals, working in your body, and at the figures
of other organ animals, and at the sexy looking sexaling ports, or
dick and vaginas, of other organ animals. They are like puppy dogs, in
a way, but much more complicated, and much more intelligent, many of
them, any way.

They have complicated code structures, that allow them to speak back
and forth with other organ animals, in ways that allow them to tell
jokes, and to tell funny stories, and to sing songs, and to teach
other organ animals who are like them, about things they know about.

Not many of you may know this, but all the dhourties know this. They
have to keep it a secret from you, so that you can continue in your
ignorance, thinking you are 'created in the likeness of god' which is
total bull shit and trash.

Well, now that we understand that much, it is time to investigate and
get this all cleared up. Now how do we investigate this? I don't know,
but maybe when we get the cooperation of the dhourties in government,
we will get some software from them, the software that I handed to
them, or the software that they have hidden away in secret filing
cabinets, which they can allow you to use, to see inside your body,
and investigate all these things.

Do you think the organ animals like being trapped inside of your body,
unable to see out side, or hear outside, or speak to others, outside,
because you live so far away from each other, and you live in tiny
boxes, homes, or houses, or apartments, and condominiums, etc., where
you live by your self, separated from others.

I don't think they are very happy that you are all living in your tiny
boxes, which serve as homes for you, where you live by your self, much
of the time, and you pay no attention to the needs of the organ

They need light, sun, shade, coolness, brisk breezes, and the scents
and smells of other organ animals, and the nearness of others, to
them, so they can communicate and chat back and forth with their
friends, the other organ animals in other peoples' bodies.

You need to marry each other in large groups, in other words, and you
need to stay togehther in large groups, and you need to be naked,
twenty four hours a day, in large groups, and you need to go out side
and play naked, in the sunlight, with others in your groups, and with
others from other groups, to allow your organ animals to get all the
opportunities to meet with new people, other organ animals, who are as
intelligent as they are.

Did you think you were the only intelligent people in the whole
universe? Well, some of my organ animals are almost just as
intelligent as you are.

In some ways, they are as intelligent as you are. Did you know that?
How does that make you feel. You have a cooped up organ animal, lots
of them, inside your body, who you do not even know about, and they
are all wanting to make friends with other organ animals, and they are
all wanting to meet with other organ animals, while they work for me,
and for you, inside of your body.

Well, the little secret of the dhourties, this one, any way, is now
out and open to the public, and you can make of it, what you want, and
you can either research it, and learn about the facts of this, or you
can deny it, in ignorance, because you think 'Jesus saves' and you
think 'god' or 'allah' is going to make you a nice home, after you
die. What garbage talk.

The dhourties have made you swallow their garbage talk, all this time,
and they have been fooling you, and they have been rejuvenating their
bodies, and then playing as if they were some kind of watch person, or
care taker, who could decide your futures for you.

Well, I don't think Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama, or any of the
other dhourty government leaders who are running for a presidential
candidacy, or for a vice presidential candidacy, is going to like the
news that you now know what is going on, a little more than before,
inside of your body, and that you are about to reject their religious
garbage talk, and all of their sciences garbage talk, and all of their
statutes garbage talk, that help to keep you in check, and in line,
and that keep you going, working and growing older, day after day,
paying the taxes for maintaining their livelyhood, while they have a
way to rejuvenate themselves, as professional moldists, and while you
have nothing, other than a token watch for working thirty, or more
years, devoted to the company, before you were released from work,
with a meager pension, to find a grave yard plot, for placing your
bones in, after you die, and go back to my Epcot Center, for
refurbishing, and for making you as good as new, nearly, for your
release as a new tummy baby, back to one of your former neighbors, or
former relatives, as a new baby.

Isn't that about the stupidist thing you've ever heard of? And isn't
that a joke. Well, they get away with it, every day, and the dhourties
who support them, organizationally, are in on it with them, and none
of them deserve much of a nice smile, or any thing else, for that
matter, for all their mean jokes and tricks that they have played on

That means, go right ahead, and kill them all, as I do not care any
more, about any of these dhourty kids of mine, unless they are willing
to cooperate with all of my dualdiger kids. Do you understand that? Go
to the dhourty courthouses, and blow them up, and go to the police
stations, and jails, and prisons, and blow them all up, and medical
hospitals are other big places which dhourties like to torture
dualdiger kids of mine, under them, and even in secret rooms, in them,
and so are universities and colleges, and large schools, and low
income housing projects, government buildings of all kinds, and blow
all of them up, along with the Pentagon, Fort Knox, and so on.

We have to get the dhourties in government to cooperate, and to do
that, we need to send them a message. So if you wish to blow
Washington, D.C., out of the surrounding area, and level the white
house, and every one in it, then go right ahead. You have my explosive
formulas, on my bulletin board, so go right ahead, and do what you
think is right.

Now, we need the cooperating dhourties, to tell us every thing, and we
want them to cooperate with us, as quickly as possible. Are you
listening, Mr., And Mrs. Dhourties? You had better be, as some people
may not like you, very much.

When the organ animals all get charged up, then you, your self, get
charged up. Did you know that? You bet it is the truth. When your
organ animals spot a pretty looking girl, if you are a boy, or if you
are a girl and your organ animals spot an attractive looking guy, then
your organ animals inside of you leap into the air, almost, and they
are saying, 'I want to sexal with that person.'

If you are a girl, you begin drooling out of the vagina, and your body
stiffens up in many places, and you get firm, and ready for sexaling
with the other person. Other things, such as hard titties, and hard
tittie nipples firm up, and your butt muscles firm up, and your vagina
swells up, and your organ animals are all saying, 'Let's go for it.'
What fools we are to ignore our organ animals. If you are a boy, your
dick gets firm, and you get a big one. That is a hard dick that
inflates and grows large.

Subtle Ways Of Brain Washing People

It is in the Christian teachings and Muslim teachings that say, we
shouldn't go around, looking with 'roving eyes' and, we must not look
women and girls in the face, in the muslim countries. They teach about
'lewdness' which is a totally made up, fictitious concept of theirs,
as there is no such thing as lewdness, and they only make us think
there is, with their unique, deceptive, and tricky brain washing
techniques that they use in the mass media, and in schools, and in
churches, and in synagogues, and in mosques, and so forth. Saying
'incest' is a bad thing, or that 'sex with a minor' is a bad thing, or
that 'casual sex' is a bad thing, and only 'loose women' have casual
sex with others, or 'tramps', and calling girls 'sluts' and 'whores',
and using words like 'mother fucker' as a way of saying the person is
a bad person, or using the word, 'rape', or 'gang rape', to mean some
thing 'bad' happened, or in the same way to use the words, 'sodomy' or
to 'sodomize' another, to mean some thing that was against rules of
some 'abstract' 'god', or something, who supposedly left a bunch of
rules to live by which are in the q
nowsze 1 starsze

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