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Chinese Microphone - China Chinese Microphone Manufacturer

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2008-04-22 19:46 Chinese Microphone - China Chinese Microphone Manufacturer blog585
Chinese Microphone - China Chinese Microphone Manufacturer

Chinese Microphone WebSite Link:

China GuangZhou TianTuo Microphone Manufacturing Co., Ltd WebSite:

Microphone Products are: Wireless Microphones, Conference Microphones,
Headset Microphones, and Lapel Microphones, interview microphones,
wired microphones, musical instrument microphones, drum microphones,
teaching microphones, recording microphones, computer's USB
microphones and microphone accessories and So on.

analog_industries | Jul.29 2006 Fucktard(s) Of
The Week... permalink comments: 10 MC Cul De Sac And The Suburban
Rebel Three! Seriously, I know these guys, and they really are choads
in real life, too. (And extra seriously, if you're using an Intel Mac
to look at this site, and it says you need Flash 9 to watch that
movie, don't fucking bother. It's not worth the effort.) Jul.28 2006
Avantone Group Buy Update 2... permalink comments: 11 Okay, we've got
a couple dozen takers so far; all is good. I'm going to close this up
on Wednesday, and here's how it will work. T
hose of you who have committed will Paypal me $169 per set you want,
with your address in the Paypal thingie; I'll send a check for the
total to Avant, and in a couple days you'll have your speakers.
Avantone has every set needed for this group buy set aside already,
and the speakers will ship as soon as they receive payment. Now, I've
received quite a few emails with various questions regarding these
little guys; I've answered everyone privately, but I figured I'd put a
compendium up here, in the hopes that I might save people (and myself)
some trouble. So, in no particular order:Q: What kind of amp should I
use? This is the most common question. Pretty much any amp will do the
trick; of course, the better the amp, the better the results, as with
all things. However, there is no particular High Quality Shit Amp that
fills the same roll as the Avantones (and their Auratone and Pyramid
cousins). As I mentioned in the previous thread, the most obvious
solution is a Crown D45, D60, or D75. You can find these on eBay for
quite cheap, and the D45 can still be purchased new (albeit at roughly
twice the cost of the speakers, so diminishing returns are the order
of the day.) These little guys purportedly handle 200W peaks without
drama, so use that to inform your decision.Q: Can I use these as my
main monitors? Sure, if you make music that only has a snare drum,
vocals, and saxophone. Because those are about the only instruments
these speakers reproduce accurately. These are most definitely
secondary speakers, used to check phase alignment, midrange instrument
balances, and how your mix will sound on computer speakers, iPod
earbuds, and most importantly, from a television set. Q: I already
have shitty Mackie/Behringer/M-Audio monitors? Why do I need another
pair of speakers that don't accurately reproduce sound? This is
actually an excellent question. I'm of the considered opinion that
speakers like this are actually more useful if you have fair to
middling monitors, as those generally have artificial bass that makes
your mids sound less than they are, and makes a good balance all but
impossible. If you have an expensive and accurate set of monitors,
chances are you bought them because you know what the hell you're
doing. In that case, you know what the Avantones are good for, and I
don't need to explain it. Q: How big are they? I'm

not in my studio at the moment, but I'd guestimate they are roughly 6"
on a side. They're quite small, and will live happily on top of most
any nearfield.Q: Why don't you start an online music store that sells
cool, useful, cheap shit? Please. I have better things to do with my
time. My wife's parents have been visiting from Phoenix all week,
which will hopefuly explain why I've been a bit slow to answer and
post. However, they're leaving tomorrow, and this Group Buy will get
my undivided attention at that juncture. That, and Audio Damage's next
fly-ass product, which is very nearly in the chute. Jul.25 2006
Avantone Group Buy... permalink comments: 7 Okay, there seems to be
enough interest in a group buy for me to persue this a bit more. I
spoke to Sue at Avant, and she told me that we can't do the group buy
for less than the normal dealer price of $169.00. That would piss off
their dealers. However, Avant would pay shipping, so the true cost
would be $169.00 per pair. She said I could do a maximum of 50 pairs.
They would ship as soon as I got the money to Avant, so this will go a
lot faster than the mic order. (On
a side note, several people have written to say they've received their
mics. So, yours are coming if you're about to write me and say "where
are my mics!?!")Anyways, unlike the Chinese Mic Debacle, there would
be no minimum. The only caveat is that this will be open to United
States folks only; no international orders at all. Sorry about that;
Avant's rules, not mine. You can, should you desire, order more than
one pair. The maximum is 50 pairs, though. Information on the speakers
is here. I don't think we'll use Fundable for this, as they really
gummed up the works last time with their quasi-shitty interface and
problem-prone experience. If you want to get in on this, drop me an
email (don't change the subject) and let me know how many pairs you
want and your shipping address, and I'll get a List together. Don't
send me any money yet, though. And please e-mail me even if you've
already emailed, private messaged, or posted in the previous
thread.UPDATE: email bounce fixed. Sorry 'bout that. Jul.25 2006
Avantone Mini-Review... permalink comments: 19 Okay, I should note at
this juncture that I just discovered (and dispatched) a moth in my
studio that was the size of a well-fed hummingbird. Now, that's not
big for a bird, but for a moth, well, it's like fucking Mothra-sized.
There is some mutant shit flying around these mountains, I'll tell you
what. Anyways, I'm a little freaked out by this whole event, so
whether that comes through in the following passages is up to you to
decide. Caveat Emptor.Anyways, I got home from Travels With The In-
Laws (wherein sights are seen, wine is consumed, mountain roads are
driven, et al) to find a nice big, heavy box on my stoop courtesy of
UPS. And what do I find in this box buy a brand spankin' new pair of
Avantone speakers. These created quite a buzz at Summer NAMM just
past, and I was lucky enough to score one of the very first pairs on
these shores, courtesy of my friends at Avant Electronics (yes, the
same folks who bailed us out during the Great Chinese Microphone
Caper.) For those of you not in the know, the Avantone is a remake/
update of the classic Auratone 5C speakers, found in most every studio
the world over. The Auratone 5C, which _still_ commands $300 to $500 a
pair used, is the world standard in shit speakers. From the late 70s
to, well, today, you'd be hard pressed to walk in to a professional
recording studio and not see at least one, if not a pair, of Auratones
sitting next to the NS10Ms on the meter bridge of the SSL/API/Neve
console. "Now, Chris, that doesn't make any fucking sense," you say,
with just cause. "Why would someone want shit monitors?" Well,
Auratones (and the Avantone remake) are designed to answer two
questions:1: How will my mix sound on television, in a car or on a
boombox (or, by extension, those shit iPod earbuds or the speakers in
a laptop)?2: How are my guitars and vocals balanced, and is the snare
too loud?The good ol' 5C does this (and only this) in admirable
fashion, which is why most every studio has 'em, in addition to
whatever they use for nearfields these days, even though they're not
made any more.Enter Avant. They designed and built a modern
replacement for the Auratone 5C that clocks in at $169 the pair, and
sounds, to my ears anyway, exactly the same. They are

finished in a really nice cream-colored... uh... I don't know what it
is. Substance? They're solid blocks of something or other. The picture
doesn't do 'em justice. They aren't that panelling shit that Auratones
were. Anyways, I plugged these little guys up, using what I think are
exceptionally nice binding posts......and was instantly rewarded with
that classic Auratone mid-range knock. These things hit the mark, and
are absolute must-haves if you, like me, compose mainly for
television. Now, will the Avantones be good as your only nearfield
monitors? ABSOLUTELY NOT. But if you want to act like a real engineer
and check your mix on more than one set of speakers before you send it
to the pressing plant, something like this is a really good idea. I'm
not trying to be an Avant Pimp or anything, and no one is ever excited
about getting speakers that are singularly unpleasant to listen to,
but these are one of the few products you can use and get a
quantifiable improvement in the end result of your mix.So, a STRONGLY
recommended from me. Avant has mentioned to me that a group buy is a
possibility, with strict limits, since they have experience with the
AI userbase and our crazy group buy thing already. Is there any
interest in such a thing 'round these parts? Since there's no unknown,
it wouldn't b e the complete pain-
in-the-arse/cluster-fuck that the microphone thing turned out to be.
Thoughts? Jul.24 2006 Hard-Core Gear Porn Monday... permalink
comments: 13 My in-laws are visiting all week, so I'll be traipsing
all over the Pacific Northwest seeing the sights. As such, don't
expect much postage this week. However, here's a sexy little number
that showed up in my mailbox this morning. Tons of nice kit here, and
Tom will no doubt be happy to see both a Fairlight and a Synclavier.
Play Industries is the joint. Go forth. Jul.22 2006 Rentals in
Portland? permalink comments: 5 Dear Lazyweb:I need to rent a good
recording amp for August 1st to the 8th. I'm thinking a Gibson GA-20
or a '66 Champ or something in that neck of the woods. Obviously,
given my locale, the rental needs to take place in the Portland/Salem,
OR neck of the woods. Any help? Or suggestions on other courses of
action? I don't really want to buy another guitar amp, as I have all
the guitar shit a keyboard player needs, but I do need something a
little more highbrow than what I gots for this session I have coming
up. Hook a brother up. Jul.20 2006 Discovering Electronic Music...
permalink comments: 9 MatrixSynth has probably already posted this,
but if he did, I missed it. This is the fantastic Bernard Wilets film
from 1983, Discovering Electronic Music. It is so fantasical awesome
as to defy description. Break out the Klang. It is, of course, quite
long. Above is part one. Part two is here, and part three can be found
here. Special thanks to jdfan for bringing it to my attention. Jul.19
2006 Corbaccio At The Keys... permalink comments: 4 I've never been a
big fan of the Marx Brothers, and as such, I didn't realize what most
of you probably already know: Chico Marx could give a fucking clinic
on piano playing. Like, take you out back and learn you a thing or two
style. Jul.19 2006 Crumar Performer, Round Two (Fight!) permalink
comments: 6 Okay, so I got this Performer in the hizzle. It is
actually in surprisingly good shape; only a couple minor problems,
which I can certainly deal with for the price I paid! The resonance
slider on the Brass section is dead, for starters. I haven't opened it
up to see if it's a loose connection or the pot is actually completely
out of commision, but I assume the latter, and will need to replace
it. The slider toggle for the Brass volume is broken off, so that'll
need to be replaced. And all but 5 of the slider caps are missing. So,
anybody have a dead Performer and want to sell me the resonance and
Brass volume sliders, plus ten slider handles? Otherwise, I'll just
buy 15 new ones,

if I can find a current production model that fits.Otherwise, it's in
great shape. Someone sharpied out the "AR" in "CRUMAR" on the top,
resulting in a "CRUM PERFORMER" but I don't really care about that. In
sound, it is significantly different than the Omni 2. You can really
hear the divide-down working on the lower notes, where it's not so
obvious on the Omni and RS09. As string synths go, it's one of them. I
wouldn't pay a shitload for one, but it has a definite Joy Division
vibe to it which I really like, and is appropriate to what I'm
currently up to, musically. S o I
have no complaints.(And let me just add that Phase Two fucking owns
this cocksucker. It's like they were made for each other.) Jul.18 2006
New At Analogue Haven... permalink comments: 7 It has become my lot in
life to tirelessly pimp both Analogue Haven and Effector 13. Today, I
have the opportunity to do both in one fell swoop. The Effector 13
Synth Mangler pedal, which initially brought that company to my
attention a couple months ago is now available at Analogue Haven for
purchase, for the reasonable price of $295. What is it? A pair of E13
Soda Meiser pedals, in their "Truly Beautiful" configuration, with a
joystick to crossfade between them. I have a Soda Meiser, and it is
the single most destructive pedal I've ever even come across, let
alone owned. So, this gets a "highly recommended" from me. Effector 13
destructive power and Analogue Haven service. What more could a boy
ask for? And you have to be impressed about the fact that I've finally
managed to make a post about AH where I spelled the name of the
company correctly throughout. Next Page » « Previous Page
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